It has really been raining here .. the ground is just saturated. I guess one should never complain about moisture .. but a few days of sunshine in between the rain and snow would be nice ! Finally decided that we had to move cows today .. regardless of the weather and really it was quite nice out and the cows we happy to go to a new pasture. No flooding YET ... supposed to warm up and be nicer by the end of the week. At one time I had thought we would be really efficient and brand this weekend .. but it is looking like that will wait for awhile.
I am glad we had most of our calving done by mid May this year ... not much fun for those who are calving in this late snow/rain we have had. In fact .. I liked it so much that we have decided to turn the bulls out with our purebred cows/heifers a whole cycle early this year ... bulls should go out in the next day or two. The following pic kind of sums op our May storms (taken May 5th) .. not a great pic ... to dark and snowy out !!!